
I explain depression to my clients as a state of helplessness, loss of pleasure and sadness that is persistent or cyclical. Depressed clients often report feeling depleted and incapable of going about regular life.

Situations that may cause depression include:

Experiencing a significant life change that is stressful in nature

Experiencing or witnessing trauma

Major change in an intimate relationship (breakup/divorce/death)

Distressing loss (job/money)

Feeling alone/unloved

It is important to distinguish between depression and grief. The overwhelming feeling of sadness associated with grief is a normal and important part of regaining equilibrium after a loss. Depression however tends to be more persistent and prolonged, and symptoms are less prone to decrease with time.


Depression’s symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and may even change throughout the course of the depression. Symptoms may also vary depending on an individual’s gender, culture, or age.

Some of the most common symptoms include:

Frequent crying and overwhelming feelings of sadness

Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness

Changes in sleep such as excessive sleeping or the inability to sleep



Difficulty enjoying previously-enjoyed activities

Unexplained physical ailments such as headaches or muscle pain

Difficulty concentrating

Changes in weight or eating habits

Book Recommendations

Eating Disorders:
When Food is Love—–Geneen Roth
Fat is a Family Affiar—–Judi Hollis
Food for Love—– Janet Greesen
Binge No More—–Joyce Nash
Love to Eat- Hate to Eat—–Elyse Fitzpatrick

Codependent No More—–Melody Beattie
Beyond Codependency—–Melody Beattie
Facing Codependency—- Pia Mellody

The 5 Love Languages—– Gary Chapman
The Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work—-John Gottman
Surviving Infidelity—–R. Subotnik and G. Harris
His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage—–Willard F. Jr. Harley
Boundaries in Marriage—–Henry Cloud John Townsend

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